Creators & Fans
We anticipate these features not before 2025.
Last updated
We anticipate these features not before 2025.
Last updated
We offer turnkey setup and launch services for brands, creators, celebrities, and influencers to onboard them to our ecosystem. Our ecosystem consists of many utilities (explained below) that will boost fan engagement and create new economic models, which can lead to new revenue streams!
Bonuz offers a launchpad platform where creators can list their Creator Subscriptions, and Subscription Holders gain access to premium content. Bonuz also provides a comprehensive onboarding program that offers step-by-step guidance on creating and selling Creator Tokens on the platform. Creators can also receive personalized support and training to maximize their token sales and engagement on the platform.
Enhanced engagement from your fans (through interacting with real people since people have an on-chain social identity and loyal fans and creating new revenue streams)
Creating custom Utilities (Services)
Bonuz provides creators with a new channel to connect, communicate with, and honor their fans while benefiting from their engagement.
To use this channel, each creator joining the Bonuz platform launches its exclusive Creator Subscription token.
Creator Subscription Tokens are fungible utility tokens that qualify token holders for access to the relevant creator's engagement channel and all its perks. Access is provided for the lifetime of the Bonuz platform and the subscription validity period of the Creator Subscription Token. It is the creators’ responsibility to deliver the content for their channel.
The Bonuz team works in close collaboration with creators to provide them with years of experience, data analysis resources, and joint marketing efforts to apply their knowledge of the crypto market to every token offering. Together, they will explore new potential use cases for the creators’ products and services, expanding them into new markets and discovering new sources of revenue. For example, traditional artists may explore creating NFT collections, and fashion brands can design virtual clothes for metaverses.
While Bonuz provides all the necessary support, creators still keep control over the launch and further engagement: they make the final choice on how to name the token, decide on the number of tokens to issue, how much to charge for each token, what features and perks to offer to the token holders.
With the help of the Bonuz team and based on the insights about their audience and their purchasing power, creators choose the token name, time for the launch, and the critical launch parameters:
Number of tokens
Price per token
Token utility (promised deliverables: the minimum amount of perks they guarantee to their token holders)
Up-and-coming creators may find it beneficial to have several token sale rounds as their fan base grows.
As deliverables, creators may choose any form of exclusive content or other perks, such as:
Access to Q&A / AMA
Participation in online or offline Meet-and-Greet events, tours, and Open House days (access to the backstage, rehearsals, studios for celebrities, tours through the company for brands, etc.)
Access to exclusive event tickets/products or priority (early bird) access to purchasing tickets/products
VIP status on events
Personal direct communication/interaction with specific or random fans
One-on-one or group video calls
Access to personal texting
Voting (e.g. voting on designs for merchandise items or products, on upcoming content like names of the songs or package of products, or even something personal like color to dye the hair)
Invitations (to the film premier or TV set for film celebrities, games, training sessions, competitions for sports stars, concerts for music celebrities, corporate events for brands, etc.)
Sneak peeks (of new art for celebrities, new products for brands, etc.)
Any other perks by choice of the creator
For each deliverable, creators can choose how often they would provide it (e.g. one-off, weekly, once a month, etc.). They can also set the creator subscription holders to offer it to (e.g., to all token holders, only the five most active ones, or ten fans who hold the most tokens). After the token launch, creators can announce any number of additional perks on top of the promised deliverables. creators guarantee the list of deliverables for two years. Two years is the standard time of a creator subscription token. After that, they can change it entirely as they see fit.
Creators can tailor their list of deliverables to answer their current interests and needs. For example, the perks of early access to purchasing tickets would help solve the issue of inflated ticket prices for devoted fans. Currently, tickets for popular concerts are often bought out at the start of sales by ticket scalpers who resell them at a higher price. Celebrities experiencing this issue and fans’ frustration may choose this deliverable to secure early tickets for the community members and ensure that fans don’t have to overpay third parties.
The Bonuz team and creators will also negotiate a share of Creator Tokens that the Bonuz platform gets and set token allocations for advisors, partners, etc. The creator may wish to donate part of the raised funds to a charity or set aside some funds for other purposes. In this case, the Bonuz team will set up a percentage and a disbursement plan for such allocations.
After choosing the parameters, the creators and Bonuz launch a joint marketing campaign to promote the creator subscription sale and the Creator Bot. After that, users can join the campaign, follow further news of the token offering, and go through the KYC process to prepare for the sale.
When the token offer starts, users of the Bonuz platform and the creator’s fans can buy the Creator Tokens via the Bonuz website or the Creator Bot. The available payment methods include fiat currencies or stablecoins (USDT, USDC).
Due to the limited supply of Creator Tokens, there is a high chance of demand exceeding the supply. In this case, some buyers will be able to purchase the tokens, and some will not. The platform will choose successful buyers randomly. However, potential buyers may increase their chances via the $BONUZ Token Holder Appreciation Program (BTHA Program).
View exclusive content (photos, videos, announcements, etc.), personalize it to target specific token holders, add watermarks, and distribute to token holders;
Create dialogue flows, initiate and manage dialogues;
Arrange votings;
View analytics collected by the system:
About users: data retrieved from the interactions with the bot (routes taken, votes, inputs, etc.), data about claimed tokens
About distributed content: views, performance
Creators publish all the public and exclusive content via the Creator Portal. The key functions of the Creator Portal include:
Bonuz platform uses an alternative model: The Creator Subscription Token acts as an access card. As long as the user has the Creator Token, they can access this creator’s exclusive content and other perks. Users who lose interest in this creator can resell the token to other fans or collectors. Furthermore, creators can ensure their fans are happy with the value of the content by collecting opinions via polls, and dialogue flows with the Creator Bot.
Currently, the most popular format of paid access is the subscription model (paid membership), when fans are charged a recurring fee - typically monthly - to access the content. It is commonly used by artists on Patreon, Ko-Fi, and OnlyFans. While simple, intuitive, and widely adopted, the subscription model also has downfalls. Users may be wary of subscribing, especially if they do not see an immediate value: Less than 55% of consumers who consider a subscription service ultimately subscribe. Hesitance is aggravated by accumulated negative experience: 35% of consumers admit to overpaying for a subscription service that they have stopped using but failed to cancel. Furthermore, subscription pricing rarely reflects what fans perceive as value. It is difficult to immediately understand how fans value the content and keep the pricing relevant.
Entry barriers to engagement with creators have pros and cons. To compare, one would have to weigh limiting access to the creator and, therefore, limiting the number of the audience against overflooded news threads, no control over the audience reach, and Internet trolling. Paid access acts as an efficient entry barrier and provides an additional income source for creators.
If the user passes their token to someone else, they pass the access to these perks. In this case, they keep deliverables received until this moment. However, future perks will be available only to the new owner.
The Creator Token serves as an access card. Token holders register their wallets containing Creator Tokens with the platform. As long as users have it in their registered wallets, they have access to the relevant creator’s perks on the Bonuz platform, including NFT airdrops.
After the token sale is over, Creator Tokens are distributed to token holders who bought them.
Once the sale is over, Creator Tokens are sent to the participants. The funds raised are released to creators in weekly installments as long as they deliver on their token launch promises.
$BONUZ token holders will have access to both the BTHA Sale and the Main Sale.
VIP Sale.
$BONUZ Token Holder Appreciation Sale.
Main Sale.
Each Creator Token offering will be arranged in three consecutive stages:
The creator will allocate a portion of the Creator Tokens for users of their choice (VIP users). Another portion of the Creator Tokens will be allocated for the BTHA Program. $BONUZ token holders wishing to buy Creator Tokens will have access to this allocation. The more $BONUZ tokens they own at the moment of the sale, the higher their chances are.
Through this functionality and with the help of the bot tool, creators can provide public and exclusive content and other features, fans will be able to provide information about themselves to creators to expect tailored features, and creators will detect the most active fans and reward them. In addition, creators will be able to promote their content through public advertising and trial content to encourage fans to buy Creator Tokens at the secondary market and join the community.
The Creator Portal provides the templates to help creators with the initial onboarding and the learning curve. Bonuz also assigns dedicated helpers to creators to provide human advice and support.
The platform automatically generates NFTs (non-fungible tokens) when creators publish exclusive content via Bonuz. The Creator Portal automatically sends the content’s metadata to the Vault, the smart contract for NFT management. The Vault generates a corresponding NFT (Title NFT) and an NFT Collection for each piece of such content. NFTs of the new Collection are then airdropped into the wallets of the relevant creator Token holders.
Each Collection has the number of NFTs equal to the number of the corresponding Creator Token holders at the moment of the NFT generation event. For example, for content addressed to all the token holders, each token holder will get an NFT, and for personalized content - only the token holders to whom this content is addressed.
The more relevant Creator Tokens the user has, the smaller the serial number of the NFT they get. Suppose two users hold the same number of tokens at the moment of the NFT airdrop. In that case, the one who had their tokens for a longer time will receive an NFT with a smaller serial number. Suppose both the number of tokens and the date and time of their acquisition are the same. In that case, the serial numbers will be allocated randomly.
For example, there are 100 Creator X Tokens in existence. Three token holders hold all these tokens: Anna owns 45 tokens, Jane - 35 tokens, and Bill - 20 tokens. Creator X distributes an exclusive video from the concert backstage. Bonuz platform generates a new Title NFT XBCKSTG, and the collection XBCKSTG consists of three NFTs. Anna receives NFT XBCKSTG1, Jane receives XBCKSTG2, and Bill - XBCKSTG3. The Title NFT XBCKSTG stays in the Vault.
This automatic NFT generation and distribution process is called NFT Mining or Social Mining.
Token holders may collect all the NFTs from one collection to swap them against the Title NFT.
In our example, Bill can buy XBCKSTG1 and XBCKSTG2 from Anna and Jane in addition to his XBCKSTG3 and then exchange all three NFTs against the original Title NFT XBCKSTG from the Vault. The three exchanged Collection NFTs will be burned by sending to the zero address (a non-accessible blockchain address).
At any point, creators may choose to offer additional products and services outside the scope of their deliverables for their Creator Token holders: personalized video messages, autographs, and memorable experiences. The Bonuz team will negotiate products and services with creators to list on the Bonuz Market. Any platform user will be able to make an order no matter if they hold any Creator Tokens.
Creators can set up their online merchandise store through the Bonuz Shop. Bonuz provides a turnkey-ready e-commerce solution with high-quality merchandise.
Bonuz manages all
shipping, and
Creators may entrust Bonuz with the product choice and design or crowdsource ideas and designs from their community to drive their engagement. Products chosen via community polls are better targeted to their consumers; they basically have predetermined customers waiting for their launch. The platform will send targeted announcements about the merchandise products becoming available directly to fans who voted for them. Contests for the best design are a powerful tool, especially if creators choose to reward the winners (and possibly all the fans who voted for the winners) with a percentage of the merchandise sales with the winning design. The system will allow creators to set the distribution of the sales proceeds flexibly.
Token holders will have up to a 50% discount at the store of the creators whose tokens they hold. If users do not hold relevant Creator Tokens, they can still get merchandise discounts when paying with $BONUZ tokens.
Suppose creators have their merchandise store outside of the Bonuz platform. In that case, they may choose to grant their token holders a discount of their choice there, too. Bonuz platform will provide technical tools to implement it, e.g. web3 wallet integrations for modern blockchain-based payments.
Interactions between creators and token holders from the user side are enabled with the Creator Bot, an application interacting with the user bidirectionally one-on-one in a dialogue-wise flow. Creator Bot allows the following types of interactions that can be combined into scenarios:
Broadcasting: Information for fans to read or view without interacting with it.
Dialogue flow: A pre-planned dialogue between the fan and the bot in which there are a limited number of scenarios, and the choice of the scenario depends on the fan’s interaction with the bot. Creators can plan dialogue flows with the help of the Dialogue Flow Editor tool in the Creator Portal.
Poll: Voting with predetermined options to vote for.
Engagement via Creator Bot is significantly more efficient in comparison with social media:
There is no need to fight algorithms to ensure content reaches the audience.
There is no time factor. The message will be available to fans on their time, and it will not drown in other posts in their news thread.
Messages are significantly better targeted. They are directed to the fandom, filtered by a willingness to pay for access to the engagement platform. They can also be targeted to more narrow groups with specific parameters.
Interactions are more scalable due to the possibility of creating complex dialogue scenarios.
Creator Bot allows data about fans to be collected and analyzed to improve engagement further.
All information provided by users will always be handled in accordance with the Privacy / Cookies Policy.
The bot offers an interactive content feed allowing to tailor content consumption to the user’s interests through buttons and text inputs and personalize it based on the information provided by the specific user (personal data, their behaviors, answers to interactions with the bot and polls, etc.). Users can choose the bot settings (language, notifications), filter content (for example, view-only videos or view content by specific dates), and pick additional materials to load. Furthermore, bots keep the interactions anonymous (users do not know who else consumes the same exclusive creator content or what their data, behaviors, and answers are).
A voting feature further improves community engagement: creators can gain direct insights, crowdsource ideas, and let their fans vote on upcoming content. For example, community members can offer their ideas for merchandise they want to buy. The winners would be chosen by vote. Design for the merchandise items can also be selected from options offered by community members. Creators can decide to reward the authors of the winning designs with a share of the sales proceeds (e.g., a 1% royalty fee from the merchandise sales with the winner’s design).
To ensure quality engagement and rapid improvement of the user experience, Bonuz will provide ongoing customer service for users, including token holders and users who do not yet own any tokens.
All the information about the data provided by users, their behaviors, activity on the platform, and even their contact data (only if the fan agrees to provide it to the creators in advance) will be available via Creator Portal’s analytics. No other celebrity or creator engagement platform has ever offered the feature to collect specific data of interest for further micro-targeting and personalization of communications.
Disclaimer: The information will be collected in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and Cookies / Privacy Policy, and it will only take place if the fan consents to the purposes of the data collection.
Bot interaction allows collecting detailed information about fans to target content further. This type of information is collected only if it is freely provided by the user and if the user approves its quantity and quality. It can be on any topic unless it’s adult, violent, racist, or any other type of content that might harm the user or is legally not allowed in the user’s origin country or under international law.
Users will have the choice to provide information and data for a better personal experience within the Platform. Furthermore, Celebrities and Brands will be able to ask for specific information to personalize their services. For instance, if a musician will make a concert in New York, the musician may ask their fans who live in New York City and announce a giveaway of tickets to the concert to New Yorkers. Scenarios of the bot engagement can be multi-leveled and allow the collection of complex information datasets.
Information collected in this way will stay with the creator, and its only purpose is to simplify future engagement or use it for marketing purposes with the restriction of only using this information for their own campaign and not selling it to third parties.
To guarantee the users' safety, any violation of the above restrictions will lead to a strike of the creator. After three strikes, independently of their reasons imposed, the removal of the creator from the Bonuz platform is initiated. After every violation, Bonuz tries to reduce damages, improve the system, and apply reasonable damage control to protect affected users. The Bonuz team checks manually, and if possible automatically, for violations randomly to prevent user data misuse. These checks include, for example, the purpose, quantity, and utilization of collected data. Additionally, users have the option to submit complaint forms online on the Bonuz platform by themselves whenever there is suspicion or proof of the aforementioned violation. This complaint is followed by an investigation by the Bonuz Team to determine whether a misuse of the users’ data occurred. Removals have no effect on users holding corresponding creator tokens. Consequences for creators are defined in their corresponding agreements with Bonuz.
Furthermore, the Bonuz platform allows collecting information about fans’ activity on social media with their consent given prior for:
creators’ content reposts,
posts, and
Other types of social media interactions depend on the corresponding platform.
The above information collection only applies when a fan participates in competitions, giveaways, or other types of engagements and can be turned off by the fan at any time.
Creators can search for hashtags of interest via the Creator Portal. This allows them to gain insight into their most active fans and reward them (e.g., send personalized thank you video messages).
You can find more detailed information regarding the User Data Analysis in our Privacy and Cookies Policy.
Another purpose of Bonuz Market is to provide fans access to direct orders from creators. For example, users will be able to order videos with birthday wishes for their loved ones from their idols or a cooking masterclass with a famous chef as a teambuilding event. Users can choose from the list of options available for the specific creator at the Bonuz Market. Direct orders can be paid with $BONUZ tokens only.
Fans can also buy merchandise in their favorite creators’ stores on the Bonuz platform. Owning the creator's tokens will provide them with up to a 50% discount on their merchandise. In addition, some creators may also choose to offer their token holders discounts in their merchandise stores outside the Bonuz platform.
Users have the opportunity to earn Bonuz Points by participating in challenges.
Challenges can be any user activity within the Bonuz platform creating value for the user her-/himself and other participants in the Bonuz ecosystem. For example, fans share content to support their favorite creators, any form of feedback and voting, or help other users by answering questions.
Any form of user activity is called engagement.
Technically, engagements are not being published on the Bonuz platform's underlying blockchain. Storage on the blockchain will be introduced in the future once better systems evolve in the blockchain industry. As of current solutions, the daily fees would be too high, and the transaction throughput insufficient.
Awarded Bonuz Points can be exchanged against $BONUZ once enough is collected. Read more here: $BOINTS Token (draft)