🤖Onchain Social ID Protocol

The Onchain Social ID Protocol (Bonuz ID)

Users can easily log in to Bonuz with their existing Social Login (Gmail Login, Apple ID Login, or Email Login with OTP) to create and access their Onchain Social ID.

With the first login/sign-up on Bonuz, every User receives a free-of-cost Onchain Social ID- this process can be completed below 45 Seconds. ( Simple Turbo Onboarding)

Bonuz Users can link and aggregate all their social media accounts to their Onchain Social ID, which is exclusively connected via a smart contract to the user's non-custodial wallet. Every time the user updates any value on the Onchain Social ID - a transaction on the blockchain gets generated, which doesn't require the user to pay any gas fees. Bonuz covers the user's gas costs to provide a smooth web2-like experience via account abstraction. A value that the user can additionally update is the privacy and publicity of each of his Social Media Handles. So if a user sets a specific social media setting to private, then nobody can see this user's social media handle publicly. (Not even us). Data Privacy and GDPR are very important to us. Privacy is a part of every human's "freedom".

The Onchain Social ID includes their web2 social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Twitter, Snapchat, X, TikTok, Pinterest, VK, Telegram, Whatsapp, Signal, etc. These Social Media Handles can be validated, verified, and authenticated.

Additional forms of identification are being incorporated, such as LensProtocol, PolygonID, Anima, Binance Account Bound KYC Token, and Worldcoin's Proof of Personhood. The Oncain Social ID has 3 types of verification ticks (Blue, Yellow, and Green). With all these verification factors, Bonuz aims to achieve the highest-quality user-profiles and achieve a great "Proof of Humanity" or "Proof of Personhood" by integrating these partners' solutions/validations.

The Onchain Social ID has its own dedicated product website: Bonuz.id -

This is how a users social profile page looks like outside the Bonuz Mobile App: https://bonuz.id/bonuz

The Onchain Social ID will have an SDK allowing other Web3 Dapps and Web2 Apps to directly upgrade to Bonuz's Web3 functionalities. This will be a form of scaling to our partners planning to roll out by the beginning of 2025.

The Bonuz Team created this innovative Onchain identity solution and plans for it to become an EIP.

Last updated